AMD Releases Catalyst 14.9.2 Beta Drivers
by Ryan Smith on October 25, 2014 12:00 AM EST
As promised earlier this week, AMD has pushed out a new Catalyst beta driver release to go hand-in-hand with this week’s launch of Civilization: Beyond Earth. Though not entirely Civ focused, 14.9.2’s biggest change is that it enables Mantle support for the recently released turn based strategy game, including Mantle SFR support for Crossfire.
Otherwise these drivers do contain a handful of other Crossfire fixes, including fixes for Total War: Rome 2, Alien: Isolation, and Shadow of Mordor.
As usual, you can grab these drivers over at AMD’s website.
Source: AMD
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plopke - Saturday, October 25, 2014 - link
Thx again , installed 14.4 since 14.9 has the control panel that crashes quiet a lot. Putting it on 65k or letting EDID pick ,did indeed fix the problem. Previously it was on 63K and EDID dechecked dont think i ever did that.Mushkins - Saturday, October 25, 2014 - link
It's a known issue, for some reason installing certain driver packs sets it from the default 6500K to 6300K making a lot of your greys have a red tint. Been doing it for years :/just4U - Monday, October 27, 2014 - link
Probably to late to catch your attention on this but .. the 14.9 should be better overall for you.. I would suggest a complete uninstall of all Amd Drivers then install the 14.9s. I've installed them on quite a few machines now and it's corrected a lot of issues people had with earlier revisions. It's a solid driver.eyk - Saturday, October 25, 2014 - link
So when are we going to see something innovative from AND? Like DSR from Nvidia now being enabled on older cards etc.Gigaplex - Saturday, October 25, 2014 - link
You mean like Mantle or TrueAudio?valinor89 - Sunday, October 26, 2014 - link
let's just say something universally useful. (As in not dependant in software support and supporting the last gen/ current gen of cards)meacupla - Sunday, October 26, 2014 - link
I don't really see how DSR is truly innovative, since, from my understanding, it's basically a different form of AA.