The Test

Remember, the DigiMatrix is not intended to function as your garden variety PC: no word processing, internet browsing, instant messaging, email, etc. After all, once this PC is setup, it is intended to be placed in your TV stand/multimedia hub. Because of this, we would actually be interested to see a DigiMatrix based on something like an Efficeon or Pentium M processor. This is mainly because a Pentium 4 processor is a tall order for a system that is supposed to function in the context of no more than a TiVo combination DVD player, both in price and performance.

Due to the system's small profile, it cannot take on the full thermal brunt of the high-end 533FSB Pentium 4 processors. Originally, Asus was being conservative by mandating a Pentium 4 processor at 2.4GHz or less. With the newest BIOS revision, the DigiMatrix raises the bar to 2.66GHz, but this is obviously short of 3.06GHz and therefore, unable to take advantage of HyperThreading. HT is not really necessary for this type of system, considering that multitasking won't be the norm.

Construction - Under the Hood (continued) Software Interface, HDTV, and the Remote
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  • mindless1 - Thursday, February 12, 2004 - link

    LOL, it's just wastefull to design a box big enough for RAID 0+1, and MPEG2 certainly does not need (even) modern HDD performance levels.

    It was a nice review, but I'd have to disagree with one part- It is not desirable to decrease the size of the power supply. Make it too small and it's going to have high heat density, lower reserve capacity, and overall less quality in the design. It IS possible to use very high quality and more exotic parts to decrease size, at about 3X the cost.

    I agree that it would be very nice if the remote had a touchpad on it, similar to that on a notebook.

    One thing I wish Asus had done differently, is to find a way to make more of the front panel ports, or at least the DVD tray, accessible without opening that front hatch. I imagine my hatch would always stay open just so I didn't have to open/close for something as simple as loading a DVD.
  • Doormat - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 - link

    I've been looking at SFF/HTPC like boxes, but my biggest gripe is that they only have 1 or 2 spots for a hard drive. When I build a HTPC, I'd want more than 2 HD spaces (preferably 4 SATA connectors w/ bays). That prolly wont make it a SFF box, but a Tivo-size box could provide for that. The idea is that 4x200GB in RAID 0+1 would provide enough for recording TV in HD/SD MPEG-2 as well as ripping DVDs and storing them, plus other misc stuff. None of the products on the market can suit me and look nice...
  • AlabamaEnigma - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 - link

    It's not a bad little box, but I prefer their new T2-P Deluxe. It has MOST of the features of the DigiMatrix, but uses the i865G chipset and has 8X AGP. It's also a lot cheaper.
  • 3Suns - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 - link

    It doesn't come with a hard drive, processor, or memory. It's a barebones system. And the 533 MHz refers to the FSB.

    for $400 I actually think it's kind of a bargain. Nice case with a volume knob and case buttons and an LCD, motherboard, video capture card, radio tuner, tv tuner, gigabit ethernet, wireless ethernet, DVD/CD-RW, separately powered MP3 player, 7-in-1 card reader...

    I'm seriously considering putting together a sub-$1000 system and trying to get it running as a personal Linux fileserver/media station. Wish me luck!
  • ChemMan - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 - link

    I think by 533 Mhz they mean the fsb, not the clock speed of the processor.
  • Jeff7181 - Wednesday, February 11, 2004 - link

    Am I reading this right?
    It doesn't come with a hard drive? Not even a tiny little 20 or 40 GB drive to get someone started using it as a Tivo type of thing? For $400 the least they can do is stick a little 20 GB 5400 RPM hard drive in there... sheesh.
    Call me crazy, but shouldn't you be able to passively cool a 533 Mhz Pentium 4? I mean... a Pentium 4 @ 533 Mhz is probably creating what... 10-15 watts of heat? I was shocked to see what looks like a heatpipe and two large fans in there... looks like a very poor cooling design to me.

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