
The Viper has a few different options in cooling when it comes to fan placement. Our unit shipped with two 80mm LED fans. The first fan is an intake at the front of the chasses toward the bottom of the case, which is standard nowadays. We also have the option of replacing the 80mm fan with a larger 120mm fan using the provided screw holes and larger fan grill on the chassis. A larger fan will also help cool the mounted HDDs better than the 80mm fan, which will only cover two of the four possible mounts.

Click to enlarge.

The second fan included with the Viper is also an intake and is mounted on the left side panel at the bottom left. This is also an 80mm fan and is covered by a standard silver steel grill to protect the blades from any unwanted contact. The fan is placed near the area of the expansion card area possibly to assist in exhausting warm air produced by the video card.

Click to enlarge.

Two additional 80mm fans can be mounted at the back of the chassis above the expansion slots to increase air flow from front to back. If these fan mounts are utilized, we do recommend upgrading the front intake to a 120mm fan for maximizing the air flow.

Click to enlarge.

MGE has also included their own Vigor 450W power supply with our test unit, which has one 120mm LED fan at the bottom as well as an 80mm LED fan at the back. The unit is not SATA ready, but MGE has included two MOLEX-to-SATA power adapters. The unit also features a 6-pin motherboard connector aside from the standard 20-pin and 4-pin motherboard power connectors, eight MOLEX plugs, and two 4-pin floppy drive connectors. The MOLEX plugs, called Ohm Legs, also feature an easy-off design that allows us to remove the MOLEX from a device by squeezing the flexible tabs instead of killing ourselves while trying to wiggle the plugs from the device and risking damage to them.

Note: Instead of the 450W Vigor PSU, MGE will bundle with the Viper a standard MGE 500W PSU.

Click to enlarge.

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  • CrystalBay - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link

    I hate these snapin standoffs on My CM-ATCS201, give me brass stand offs anytime. Yeah the paintjobs not to bad also, The thermal and noise qualities are a welcome bonus as is the stock/w-out PSU price.
  • Locut0s - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link

    rslayerr: When I think of a stylish case I think of something like this:


    I don't know why you asume that when I say that the case in this review is ugly that I think that a neon glowing case is cool, I definitely don't.
  • skunkbuster - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link

    that thing is damn FUGLY !

  • rslayerr - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link guys make me laugh....some of you are finding childish that style of case and that its only good for 12 years wanna know something,what the hell do you think putting neon-glow,and all those shit does look like.??yup,thats it..12 years old...
    sry...but i prefer a nice looking case like that,stylish and different,than having a big all acrylic one with 100 neons-glow that flash with the still young at heart even if im 30...but i personnaly found that neon and all..not for me....geez,,its a computer,,not a disco...anyways..
    MY 2 CENTS!
  • KristopherKubicki - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link

    dripgoss: I am definitely looking forward to the Dragon also. I caught a look at it at Computex from CaseTek and the LCD front panel looks outstanding (it has a pretty high resolution too, something like 200x200).

  • dripgoss - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link

    Damn, u guys are harsh. My wife chose this case (30 years old, not 12) out of all the cases on the net for her system build. I thought the same thing too when she came home with it - "oh boy, wtf is this..." But she bought it on sale at San Jose MicroCenter for $50 and, unlike the reviews, hers came with a very solid 500W MGE PSU. The rails were very solid and are powering her 6800U, A64 3000+ @ 2500 (Tt SilentBoost HSF), VNF3-250, 1GB DDR500, 2xSATA 200GB system. I added a Vantec stealth 120mm as intake to the front, a CM 80mm on the side, and turned all the other 80mm fans as out-take and the case dropped 10°C over her old Antec Solution case. CPU is 29°C idle / 40°C load (OC'ed) and ambient temp using the included probe is always 25°C!! Replaced most accessible screws with thumscrews and it seems to be a decent buy if you can find it as low as she did...

    Basically, this case may not be for some, but it keeps the comp way cool, is really silent and the handles are a nice touch even if just to move around a few feet.

    The acrylic applique window was a bit shoddy though and I hope they fix that in later models. Also, our box made reference to an "Overclockers kit" which didn't seem to be included in the box. And the case sides need to be finessed in order to get them to slide back on. Personally, I can't wait to check out the MGE/XGBox Dragon aluminum case when it's released. Other than these short-comings, the case ain't half bad under a desk and tucked away from your artsy fartsy, retro art-decco furnishings...
  • NesuD - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link

    Looks like potluck on what Power supply it really comes with to. Checked both the Newegg links and the ZZF link and none of them included the same power supply as was in the review. By the way I agree that the looks are just to far out there for me. I like most of the external features, the handles, temp display, front panel connectors on top. To bad the whole package reminds to much of a transformer toy when I look at it.
  • klah - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link

    Oh, I forgot...

    "How about looking for quality cases which are more pleasingly designed? Instead of monsters I would like to see something that would fit nicely in a modern home"

    I concur.

  • klah - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link

    "Wow, I'm at a loss for words. Who buy such a thing?"

    12-year olds.
  • diehlr - Saturday, December 18, 2004 - link

    Why do reviewers keep picking these fugly cases to review? God damn that thing is hideous.

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