Battery Life - Matching the iPhone 8

In terms of battery life, the iPhone SE is said to perform similarly to the iPhone 8. Apple here employs a much newer and more efficient SoC in the form of the A13, while retaining the same battery capacity and display panel as the older phone. In essence, what we’re testing here is merely Apple’s calibration of the iPhone SE’s A13 chip in terms of its performance vs energy usage. Naturally of course, the new SE will have a more efficient cellular and WiFi chip as well which will contribute to the efficiency of the device.

Web Browsing Battery Life 2016 (WiFi)

In our web browsing test that we were able to run overnight, the iPhone SE confirms Apple’s claims of it matching the iPhone 8, and we’re essentially getting near identical results at 10.7h vs 10.4h, only a few minutes apart difference between the two devices.

We had noted in our iPhone 11 review that Apple’s battery life marketing claims oddly matched the results in our web test, and this again is the case for the new iPhone SE.

Whilst the iPhone SE isn’t able to match the longevity of the iPhone 11’s, it’s still a reasonably good result considering the battery capacity and size of the phone.

Display Measurement Video Recording
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  • trparky - Friday, April 24, 2020 - link

    And yet if you ask the average person on the street, they couldn't give a rat's behind about having access to the file system. Hell, I'd go so far as to say that if you tried to explain what a file system is, you'd lose their interest in less than five seconds.

    Outside of the tech enthusiast crowd, most people don't care about this kind of stuff. They just want it to work and that's what iOS does, and it doesn't brilliantly.
  • trparky - Friday, April 24, 2020 - link

    > Outside of the tech enthusiast crowd, most people don't care about this kind of stuff. They just want it to work and that's what iOS does, and it does it brilliantly.

    I hate the fact that we don't have an edit button.
  • eastcoast_pete - Friday, April 24, 2020 - link

    Thanks Andrei! Here an interesting teardown+rebuild that shows just how similar the iPhone SE and the 8 are:
    (in Chinese, but subtitles are available)
  • euskalzabe - Friday, April 24, 2020 - link

    I was ready to buy the Pixel 4a, then this SE came out. There is no point paying the same money for a third of the performance, just to stay on Android. I've been very frustrated with the software update situation, stuck on Android 9 on my Moto Z2 Play, and that's after I had to manually force the update (because Moto was inexplicably not seeding it in the US, 4 months after it was ready) which broke the OS's trust in the phone and disabled my NFC payments. This is not serious, no longer acceptable. Google has had 13 years to figure out updating all Android users. I'm done. For $399, the same price of a Pixel Xa series, I deserve day 1 updates for the next 4 years. I'll be damned if I don't choose the phone that has triple the performance over a Snapdragon 6xx/7xx.

    I was a Windows Phone user from 2010-2015. I've been an Android user from 2015-2020. I guess it's only fair I give Apple the same 5 years now.
  • Alistair - Friday, April 24, 2020 - link

    I bought an iPhone for one reason, my 1 year old Android flagship phone stopped working properly with Android Auto, full of bugs (voice control in particular outright stopped working). The manufacturer and Google can't be bothered to keep software working for 12 months (worked perfectly on launch day)? No thanks.
  • Deicidium369 - Sunday, April 26, 2020 - link

    That is a short between the ground and the device.
  • Deicidium369 - Sunday, April 26, 2020 - link

    Sure you were, sure you were.
  • tipoo - Friday, April 24, 2020 - link

    Apple was vague on the optics used in this, first it was hoped to be the XR sensor, then was said to be identical to the 8 on the sensor and optics, but then this regression is weird. Hope that's just software, because a regression in optics from the 8 would be a letdown on an otherwise great value.
  • NICOXIS - Friday, April 24, 2020 - link

    I think this will bring much-needed competition to the mid-range market, this probably means we will get features like wireless charging on cheaper phones. The only thing that seems odd it the meager improvement in battery life from the iPhone 8 even though the SE is using an SoC that's built on a much smaller node.
  • Altema22 - Friday, April 24, 2020 - link

    Right phone at the right price, combined with Apple's marketing, will ensure this is a hit.
    It's ideal for those with an older iPhone that is lagging, like the 6S and earlier.
    It also makes a good entry point for those on a budget who want to jump to iOS.

    But, aside from the SoC, the SE is a downgrade in everything for someone with a good two year old flagship.

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