Gaming Performance & Power Usage with Quake 4

At 640 x 480, we're not GPU bound at all so power consumption isn't nearly as high as it could be, but performance is.  In theory this configuration should be stressing the chipset more than anything when it comes to power usage.

Quake 4 Performance (640 x 480)  

The P965 continues to be the lower power solution, with the nForce 570 SLI drawing over 6% more power on average during the course of the benchmark. 

Quake 4 Performance (640 x 480)  

Quake 4 Performance (640 x 480)  

Obviously the winner of the performance per watt test is the P965, by a reasonable margin thanks to its higher performance and lower power consumption.  But what happens if we crank up the resolution to a more GPU-bound setting?  Will the differences in chipset power consumption get larger or smaller?

Quake 4 Performance (1280 x 1024)  

At 1280 x 1024 there's no longer a performance difference between the three platforms since we're very GPU bound, but let's see how power consumption changes.

Quake 4 Performance (1280 x 1024)  

The gap between the P965 and nForce 570 SLI actually grows to 8.5%, and obviously giving the P965 the performance per watt crown. 

Quake 4 Performance (1280 x 1024)  

Let's look at a few other titles before coming to any conclusions though.

Encoding Performance & Power Usage with Quicktime/iTunes Gaming Performance & Power Usage with Half Life 2: Episode 1
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  • wwswimming - Thursday, October 12, 2006 - link

    3 of the best Motherboards you can get, all i think with the extra-stable 8 phase power - and you have 'em all in one line-up.

    Can i work at Anandtech ? :-)
  • 8steve8 - Thursday, October 12, 2006 - link

    (even when disabled these parts likely take some power)
  • 8steve8 - Thursday, October 12, 2006 - link

    im curious, what about g965 with onboard video...

    also , i think u should have used more minimalistic boards... otherwise the power could be drained on the additional features like wifi or a 2nd nic card or whathaveyou
  • ATWindsor - Thursday, October 12, 2006 - link

    It's interesting to see the diffrent between chipsets. The chipsets seems to have started t use quite a bit of power. Hopefully you will be able to do more detailed test some time in the futire, load on diffrent rails and so on.
  • Lonyo - Thursday, October 12, 2006 - link

    The HL2 640x480 numbers for the 975 look really wrong (198 fps vs ~230 for the other 2 chipsets).
  • Anonymous Freak - Thursday, October 12, 2006 - link

    You'd need to test the power consumption of multiple brands of motherboard using the same chipset. This could just be an Asus thing. (After all, the Intel chipset boards are "Deluxe" while the nVidia chipset board isn't. Maybe they actually spent engineering efford to cut down on power draw on the Deluxe boards.)

    Also, for a review interested in power consumption, I'd like to see comparisons not just with a dedicated video card, but also with the integrated video of appropriate chipsets. For example, I play almost no games, and actually WOULD like to save as much energy as possible. What motherboard/CPU/GPU combo will give me the best media encoding performance bang per watt? (A Via nano ITX board probably would win in performance per watt, but with unacceptably low performance.)
  • edwardhchan - Thursday, October 12, 2006 - link

    All this tells me is that Asus's P965 mobo uses less than their 975X and 570 SLI mobos. It'd be better to compare across brands (using the same chipsets available from each brand.) Then you verify your result.
  • atenza - Thursday, October 12, 2006 - link

    Am I the only one interested in idle consumption of those systems?
  • mongo lloyd - Friday, October 13, 2006 - link

    Me too. Most computers, especially the ones that are running 24/7 (which is more and more prevalent today), are idle for a guesstimate of about 90% of the time. Really.

    I was disappointed in this article as well, because they really should've taken that into regard (and made it the most important thing as well).
  • SocrPlyr - Thursday, October 12, 2006 - link

    No, I am interested as well. My computer is kept in a relatively enclosed space. My P4 used to be completely quiet before this, and now is loud b/c the fans are spinning a lot faster. Of course I am not looking to keep the P4, but I am planning on upgrading soon. This basically let me know what I wanted to know and it becomes a no brainer in chipset choice for my application. Here I can get the less expensive chipset and still save on power. I am carefully choosing all of my components for my next build. I want as much integrated as possible and do things like have only 1 optical drive and go down from 3 HDD to 2 etc. (And of course get a cpu that uses less power.) Now for the person who said that a few watt doesn't mean anything, if you get a few watts out of 5 coponents that is a significant power savings for the system as a whole.


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