Company of Heroes 2

Our second benchmark in our benchmark suite is Relic Games’ Company of Heroes 2, the developer’s World War II Eastern Front themed RTS. For Company of Heroes 2 Relic was kind enough to put together a very strenuous built-in benchmark that was captured from one of the most demanding, snow-bound maps in the game, giving us a great look at CoH2’s performance at its worst. Consequently if a card can do well here then it should have no trouble throughout the rest of the game.

Since Company of Heroes 2 is not an AFR friendly game, getting the best performance out of the game requires having the fastest GPU. While the GTX 780 Ti has a clear lead over the 290X across the average of our games, in this specific case it’s going to come up short, as AMD’s performance with this game is simply too high to be overcome without a significant performance advantage. Conversely this means that GTX 780 Ti and 290X are still close enough that NVIDIA won’t be able to sweep every game; in games where AMD still does exceptionally well, they’ll be able to close the gap and surpass the GTX 780 Ti.

Meanwhile, looking at a straight-up NVIDIA comparison, the GTX 780 Ti holds a slightly smaller than normal lead over its counterparts. At 5% faster than GTX Titan and 17% faster than GTX 780 it’s still the fastest of the cards, but it won’t pull ahead in this game by as much as it does elsewhere.

The minimum framerate story is largely the same. GTX 780 Ti is the fastest NVIDIA card, but it will trail the 290X by over 10% in both scenarios.

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  • chizow - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    Figured Nvidia would not let the crown rest with AMD when they still had their trump card to play (full 2880SP GK110), so this is not unexpected at all.

    I still feel Nvidia comes out of this with a black eye however, while AMD started the price escalation with Tahiti for 28nm, Nvidia took this greed to a new level with 690/Titan pricing. $699 is what the high-end GK110 SKU should have sold for, max, and it should've arrived this time last year. The fact AMD had to undercut Nvidia pricing so badly with the 290/290X will be something Nvidia will have a difficult time living down for years to come.

    The fact we will have 3 SKUs launched in such a short time since Titan released that outperform it at a fraction of the cost is an absolute slap in the fact to some of Nvidia's most loyal and spendy customers. Lesson learned for Nvidia, and certainly a lesson learned for many of their customers.
  • TheJian - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    Let me know when EITHER side makes more than they have in the last 10yrs. For NV that was ~800mil in 2007 (Q1 2008 TTM). For AMD it's ~500mil.
    A year ago 209mil for NV this Q. This year, 119m. Get the point? That's far worse than a year ago right? Lessons for Nvidia? Charge more every chance you get...LOL. Don't forget how much R&D etc costs. They are on Tegra4 now, and they haven't made a DIME on them yet total. Until they break 1Billion in Tegra sales it will continue to lose money robbing gpus cash. I highly doubt AMD's will break even for a while either once it hits. Also note it only took another 150mil or so in revenue to make 209mil last year. So basically they are selling the same crap for less right? 1.2B in revenue last year making 209mil. 1.05B revenue now, making 119.

    Anyone thinking either side is ripping them off needs to learn how to read balance sheets. Start expecting slower release schedules, worse drivers, an less perf jumps until profits go back up.
  • hero4hire - Sunday, November 10, 2013 - link

    Hail corporate!

    Price is just the price. If you feel safer with profits, branding, and fatter balance sheets as persuasive then look no further than the 80's American auto manufacturers as the greatest product around.

    Hail corporate!
  • just4U - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    From the Article: "And though GTX Titan is falling off of our radar, we’re glad to see that NVIDIA has kept around Titan’s second most endearing design element, the Titan cooler"

    I am not in the market for a card yet. Quite happy with my 7870 from His... but overall, that cooler is the most interesting thing to come out of this generation of video cards. (Amd needs to take note of that to..)

    You see people going the aftermarket route in regards to reference coolers that simply can't cut it. So it's about damn time NVidia got off their butts and designed something special. Both companies have been guilty of neglect with their shitty coolers.. leaving partners to think outside the box and fix the problem. That's helped to set them apart from each other but it doesn't address the fact that we get flooded with the sub par that sticks around as a lemon thru-out the life of each card.
  • just4U - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    Oh.. forgot to mention..
    I'd be more interested in this generation if they'd get temperatures under control. Not interested in any card hitting 80C+ under load... been there done that, and it can take it's toll out on your other hardware over time.
  • tomc100 - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    I will stick to my Radeon 7970 for now since my room gets pretty hot in the summer time so neither gpu is going to perform well for me in the summer even with the air conditioner turned on. Also, I'm hoping mantle will provide another 25-50% increase in performance in some games.
  • Conduit - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    Thanks but no thanks. Who the hell pays $700 for a video card? I have a $200 card that plays all my games on ULTRA with AA at 60 fps.

    If I ever go for a high end card it will be a custom cooled R9 290.
  • nsiboro - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    2 thumbs up + 2 big-toe up !
  • Trenzik - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    I have to admit $700 is a lot for a GPU, but its more of an enthusiast thing. You get obsessed with specs and frames :). I enjoy it.
  • Makaveli - Thursday, November 7, 2013 - link

    lol conduit,

    You mean at 1680x1050 right?

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