SYSMark 2000 paints a slightly different picture than CC Winstone 2000 primarily because of the nature of the benchmark. SYSMark 2000 focuses on running a single application at a time whereas CC Winstone 2000 is more of a multitasking benchmark.

Under SYSMark 2000, the i820 + SDRAM combo is almost 10% slower than the i820 + RDRAM combo. The performance difference between the BX and i820 + RDRAM platforms is negligible thus helping to reaffirm the statement that for the average desktop user, the incredible cost of RDRAM just isn't worth it.

On a clock for clock basis the Apollo Pro 133A (694X) test bed seemed to pull slightly ahead of the i820 + SDRAM setup. Considering the cost of an Apollo Pro 133A motherboard is considerably less than the ASUS P3C-2000 used here for the i820 + SDRAM setup, this isn't too promising of an argument for the i820 chipset's SDRAM support.

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  • darwiniandude - Thursday, August 1, 2013 - link

    Don't think I'll go i820 for my next machine, I'll stick with my current Apollo Pro 133A based mobo.

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