NVIDIA GeForce 64 MB

by Matthew Witheiler on April 6, 2000 7:27 AM EST

The Need for 64 MB

By incorporating 64 MB of DDR memory on the video card itself, NVIDIA could almost be assured that no current games or applications will require any system memory texture swapping. Rather than having to deal with the massive bottlenecks faced via AGP 1x, 2x, or 4x, 64 MB of on card DDR RAM could allow for 4.8 GB/s peak bandwidth no matter what. Saturation of this amount of memory would occur rarely, if ever, thus making it possible to run programs with heavy textures at many more resolutions than previously possible. Speed would no longer be an issue and games would play smoothly even at these normally strenuous levels. The need for 64 MB of on card memory is there, and NVIDIA has set out to fulfill you needs.

Texture Swapping: Hidden Evil The Card
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  • Dr AB - Friday, May 8, 2020 - link

    Woww what an amazing article! There were a lot of things that I didnt even knew glad that I read it. Its fascinating how things have progressed in 20 years.

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