Hub Test
NetCPS 1.0 - Entering client mode. Press ^C to quit
Connecting to port 4455... Connected!
---> CPS 967792.44 KPS: 945.11 MPS: 0.92
Avrg CPS 957367.56 KPS: 934.93 MPS: 0.91
Peek CPS 993310.69 KPS: 970.03 MPS: 0.95
Done. 104857600 Kb transferred in 109.53 seconds.

C:\Netcps>netcps NetCPS 1.0 - Entering client mode. Press ^C to quit
Connecting to port 4455... Connected!
---> CPS 974897.13 KPS: 952.05 MPS: 0.93
Avrg CPS 952402.38 KPS: 930.08 MPS: 0.91
Peek CPS 986187.63 KPS: 963.07 MPS: 0.94
Done. 104857600 Kb transferred in 110.10 seconds.

NetCPS 1.0 - Entering client mode. Press ^C to quit
Connecting to port 4455... Connected!
---> CPS 957572.88 KPS: 935.13 MPS: 0.91
Avrg CPS 960524.69 KPS: 938.01 MPS: 0.92
Peek CPS 996379.63 KPS: 973.03 MPS: 0.95
Done. 104857600 Kb transferred in 109.17 seconds.

NETCPS reported the highest attained CPS was 996379.63 KPS CPS or 973 KB/second (8Mbs).

The router performed fantastic. No question here, far better performance than the Linksys Etherfast, although the current bandwidth available through cable or DSL doesn't come close to taxing either router. The Hub tests indicate that the hub included in the R9100 is also certainly up to spec. The quality of this router is obvious, not only in the great performance, but also in the durable look and feel of the case and the heavy, solid network ports.

Front face of router

Rear of router
WAN Performance Conclusion
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