
In all, Windows XP has been met with much fanfare, but like the release of Windows 98 with it's newfound integration with Internet Explorer, Windows XP has also been met with harsh criticism from many sides. From users criticizing the mandatory installation of Microsoft messenger services and media technology to developers berating Microsoft for obliterating the competition with free, integrated utilities, the idea is the same: Many believe Microsoft is abusing their power as the dominant player in the market.

Whether or not this is the case currently has not yet been examined, but the courts have ruled that in the past Microsoft has been guilty of abusing monopoly power. However, with the trial tied up in court, it is anyone's guess as to when federal regulators will get a chance to review all of the features included with Windows XP and Microsoft's new .NET initiative which are tightly linked through the inclusion of the new MSN Explorer browser in Windows XP.

If AnandTech reader response is any indication, Windows XP will probably be very well entrenched by the time the courts make any ruling surrounding its legality. For now, our recommendation stands: If you need the features, go ahead and upgrade, but if you're content with your current system, there may be no reason to spend the money to upgrade. Just remember, Windows XP requires a faster computer with more RAM and hard disk space than any prior operating system. Be sure your system is prepared before you make the plunge.

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