Just like how we got the A10 deep dive, or idk, any reviews that are relevant currently. Galaxy S8, HTC U11, new Macbooks, GTX 1050/1050Ti, RX 480 deepdive etc.
Or y'know, the good old GTX 980/980Ti SLI performance deep dive, or really anything that was said to be "next week" or "soon".
What do people at Anandtech do really? Review mundane stuff that nobody gives a shit about? An ECS mITX motherboard? SSDs from HP? It's all just tech blogs when I scroll down. Not to mention the godawful clickbait ads they have enabled as well.
It depends on the editor. Ian's specialty is CPUs, Billy's is SSDs, Nate's is GPUs, Ganesh is storage, etc. Some things we can't do due to a lack of time; others due to a lack of manpower (things often come at once). But it's never for a lack of a desire to do them, just a means to do them quickly.
Lol I kinda do wonder what they do all day. They don't really post a lot of content comparatively... And they seem to review some obscure products or ones with niche appeal.
That one was the unfortunate victim of Josh leaving at a bad time.
I won't set a hard date on an A11 article, but between myself and a new hand joining us soon to help with mobile articles, it's very much something I intend to dig into. Especially this new Apple GPU.
aTV has supported third party controllers since forever, and has allowed games that ONLY use 3rd party controllers (don't have to work with the Siri remote) for at least a year.
"Requirements: Live streaming uses Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) technology. HLS requires an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with Safari on iOS 9.0 or later, a Mac with Safari on macOS v10.11 or later, or a PC with Microsoft Edge on Windows 10. Streaming via Apple TV requires an Apple TV (2nd or 3rd generation) with software 6.2 or later or an Apple TV (4th generation)."
lol your fitness band runs at 16 MHz; not 2000 MHz. And it doesn't have a 10 mile transmitter, nor a 2K display; so just quit trolling while you're behind.
You want a wrist computer for the same reason you want a pocket computer. Duh. Look at one thing faster CPU enables on tha aWatch 3 - enough computational power for the watch to speak back to you (starting to flesh out the voice UI) rather than just writing response text
Am I the only one who is surprised that Apple still canj't do better sensors or a better battery life on their Apple Watch? Who cares about phone features in a watch? Sports/tracking/health smartwatch is about sensors and, charging daily for a watch is a major nuisance.
They have the biggest budget and the biggest team of all and this is the best they can do? Same sensors as before, now just with a few arrythmia features (i.e. sw upgrade). Still the same battery life (yes, the cpu is faster).
Hopefully we'll see some more interesting health sensors in 3rd party (or 1st party) watch bands. It's already been pointed out that putting in any kind of sensors needing FDA approval would delay the core watch hardware. We know a blood sugar monitor is being developed at least (since Tim Cook has spoken about it).
Big disappointment is what the Apple Watch has always been. It hasn't redefined the watch like the iPhone did for phones, not even close. All it's been able to do is compete well in a market of fairly useless gadgets that people are struggling to find true uses for.
Until someone finds and creates a killer feature for a smart watch they just will never take off.
A miband with heart rate monitoring for $8-15 ($8 is the current sale price) is all 90% of people need. It does everything well and lasts for 30 days on a single battery charge. It can be worn in the shower and it tracks your sleeps. Why would anyone spend so much money on a device that must be charged daily and doesn't really provide additional benefits for most people?
Yup, and the 8 still has 2 GB of RAM and the 8 Plus has 3 GB. Apple does a great job with improving the performance of the CPU & GPU every year, but the rest of the hardware seems to be stuck with incremental upgrades. Then again, this is Apple we're talking about. Or any other company that has the mindshare of consumers and brand cachet - BMW, Nvidia, Intel, Apple etc., milk, milk, milk!!!
I'll take 3 GB of RAM (never noticed any limitation to 2) over having 6 GB of RAM with a slow CPU/GPU that I'll notice in audio apps and games. I'd rather be "milked" on specs I don't notice than specs I do.
I complained about 1GB on iOS for a while, but 2 on my 7 has almost never been limiting. Days old tabs 12 deep, sure, I'll get a reload, but generally it's super good at memory management. Contrast to Samsung where 8GB still reloads more stuff than iOS.
It does seem the X at least should have gotten 4 just for future proofing though.
Just wow! They added wireless charging! So revolutionary! Good news apple is going to help Qi become more widely known and available because it's so hard to get right now.
How are you using the device without looking at the screen of your phone? Why can't the camera see your face to authenticate you if you have an unobstructed view of the screen?
If you don't want to look at the screen while you use the device, then just use the "Hey Siri" activation phrase for the voice interface.
As with all the phones that support wireless charging, you can still plug in a wire and charge that way if you prefer.
It will depend on the camera angles, but right now it's relatively simple to unlock your phone on the table by you while you're in a meeting and discretely skim an incoming email without actually having to pick up your phone.
Sure you can still use the passcode, but depending on your institutional device management settings (mine in minimum 8 characters with a special character just to unlock) that can still way more effort than it needs to be.
It's not a dealbreaker by any means, but I'd still prefer to have fingerprint scanning if it were an option.
Really? It's so easy to steal your fingerprint. Never bothered with the fingerprint reader. Passcode is more secure, and still on option with iPhone X. No need to pick it up if you don't want to. And if you still want the silly reader, get an iPhone 8.
My argument is for convenience versus security. But to counter your argument, face unlock on android has been proven far less secure. It remains to be seen how secure apples implementation is.
Some issues I don't see addressed are things like minimum effective distance and angle. Unlocking this phone seems like it will be awkward at best in places like crowded elevators or subways. TouchID is a more subtle way of unlocking my iPhone and I much prefer that.
Given them showing a training sesson for Face ID that had a user rotate their face to show it from all angles, it seems like they took having the system work from different angles into account.
We'll see.
I have a feeling that if you can see the screen, the camera can see you back.
Something I thought too. But why not an ultrasound fingerprint scanner under the screen? I got hold of a leekco (letv) test device which uses it perfectly. It works even under water! This face recognition is not safe for those who have twin brothers or sisters.
Apple's been working on that tech for a while now, and both the Samsung Note 8 and iPhone X were supposedly going to have it, but it just wasn't working well enough when it came time to ship them, according to the rumor sites.
Here's a story about an Apple patent filed back in 2015.
I code both for Android and iOS, and Android animations flat out suck. That's why they're quick, not much is happening. Any time I want 3D animation of Android views, I need to resort to OpenGL and do it natively; whereas iOS has had CoreAnimation and 4x4 matrix support for 10 years now.
It does not make sense at all to call the top end iphone the iPhone X.. that's just rubbing against the grain of every apple product they've ever made. It should have been called the iPhone 8 Pro.. They are using the X moniker way to early.. they should have waited a 3-4 more until it was time.
That's not an apt comparison. Windows 9 was skipped because of legacy apps that had code for "If Windows version starts with 9" and such. The jump from iPhone 8 to iPhone X (pronounced ten) doesn't make a lot of sense.
There are hundreds of projects on Github showing code looking for that exact shortcut, so the ship has not sailed. It was never confirmed by Microsoft, but it was a reasonable explanation. Many apps used workarounds for Windows 9x because of various bugs, or refused to run at all.
Windows 1.0 and 2.0 were actual products. Windows NT started at 3.1 so that users would understand it was at version parity (and thus experience parity) with Windows 3.1.
Apple pulled X/ten has no explanation so far and looks complete arbitrary.
Note what's missing. - aWatch3 Edition was not mentioned. The Apple Store page shows it exists, but no excitement about new materials. So ceramic is considered a nice compromise, luxurious "enough" but also cheap "enough"?
- iPhone SE was not updated. Neither was iPad mini. Those were two second tier products I figured would be at least updated in the store, even if they didn't get a keynote timeslot.
From Ryan Smith > "Your posts only get removed when you start making crazy rants about spyware." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You offer no examples as to why my "rants" are crazy, or why it (MS - Spyware Platform 10) is not Spyware, WHILE I offer examples as to why it is Spyware, then you delete my posts without any explanation
Please explain
We are here to learn....
We want to be tech literate like you!
Also, for those who don't like that I can't follow a thread properly and post a direct response to the original post, you should talk to Ryan about that
That problem is not from "My" end That is a problem at AnandTech
In short, AnandTech is not your blog. You are welcome to make on-topic posts, however many of your posts end up going on a wild, unrelated tangent. Please email me if you have any questions.
"wild, unrelated tangent" and "crazy rant" posts get deleted but a post like below is OK.
"LydiaPollard - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link I just got paid $6784 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $9k her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less. This is what I do.... http://cutt.us/pc6ir"
Dude, you're off your squirrel. Windows isn't spyware and your posts are incoherent. I've seen plenty of them and I am so sorry Ryan et. al. have to deal with your insanity.
Kirin 970=5.5 billion transistors, A11 only 4.3 billion transistors. NUP is tree times more powerful, 1.92TFLOP vs 0.6TFLOP in A11. Modem cat 18 vs .... does not matter.
As much as I dislike Apple, I really feel sorry for what they have become. This release screams desperation and fear from Samsung, from hardware, to naming.
They can make all the profits, but even they know they're not even half what they used to be.
As much of an ass Steve used to be, it's a fact that he knew how to steer that ship. I guess the difference is in ambition. He wanted Apple to be "the best" at all costs, but now they want it to stay a profit machine at all costs. The difference really shows.
In way you could say that- Apple didn't start more or less destroying Android phones in SoC tech until after Jobs- after they released the iPhone 5 and every year following. There are any number of other ways in which iPhones have frequently been ahead of Android in software and hardware. The reverse is also true though. It's almost like there are different companies focusing on different aspects of their devices. Amazing!
Apple never designed an SoC that was "ahead" of anything in the market from Samsung or Qualcomm. I'm not sure about the A11, will have to see, but the previous ones were slower and less efficient in both cpu and gpu. The A5 was interesting at the time in terms of efficiency, but it turned out to be nothing but bad and misinformed benchmarking.
I don't blaim you for not knowing this, I blaim the incompetence of tech reviewers, in which most are nothing but sellouts.
I got tired of talking about this subject. The misinformation out there is flat out ridiculous.
There are a number of sites including this one which have conducted repeatable tests using scientific methods. All show that an A series SoC is better overall in most performance metrics to the equivalent generation from any number of vendors in the Android space. They put their results out their.
What do you, an anonymous Apple-hating nobody on the internet, offer to back up your assertions with? You write like a religious zealot - "my God is better than yours". So when it comes to credibility, they have it and you, ... well....
So he they shipped a 64-but ARM implementation a year ahead of anyone else while the others were still saying 64-bit wasn’t needed for mobile because they didn’t have it, that was...?
Apple has always been about vertical integration, which often works better than superior hardware. Innovation has stopped there with the 4S. Since then, it was larger screens, fingerprints (barely any VI there), and then a plus model. All of which are to compete with Samsung (their only competitor).
Their last few processors sucked outside their intended use (not a bad thing) and their "fusion" interconnect attempt was broken, a-la Exynos 5410. They're only reaping the benefits of the well executed software, the special treatment from carriers and their closed ecosystem, which enables them to make features available to a vast audience, opening up a compelling platform for developers. This isn't a small feat by any means, but it has been set in motion and executed well under the leadership of Jobs. THAT was the real innovation IMO. The rest is catchup, BS hype, and a slew of intended misinformation by the tech community and the media. Siri, which came afterwards has utterly FAILED as a platform. Apple pay doesn't holds a candle to Samsung pay for a very minor feature (MST). And now what? FaceID? Seriously?
History is sad. Samsung, their nemesis, understood Jobs much more than his crew at Apple, and their doing something about it even with Google's massive sabotage attempts.
Stop trolling, darklight69 is right. And you don't even know elementary things like benchmarks Anandtech have done for many years. Plus Samsung had huge leverage because knew everything about Apple being its hardware supplier. If the company next door Intel would be Apple's supplier things would be much different
-- As much of an ass Steve used to be, it's a fact that he knew how to steer that ship. I guess the difference is in ambition.
no. the difference is that Apple/Steve was on the early slope of the asymptote of progress. Apple/Tim, alas, is on the ending verrrrrrrry slow glide to stasis. see my battery comment above. and the plain fact that neither Apple nor anyone else has come up with a new *function* (like the Three Steve boasted about in the beginning) for a phone or a watch. just evermore bits of lipstick for these pigs. the rest of the industry is in the same boat, of course.
you can only "innovate" when there are known unknowns. science/tech has explained 99.9% of the macro world. these days, science/tech is exploring cosmology and artificial sub-atomic particles. neither will make any difference to the macro world.
No. Innovation is in platforms and ecosystems. You need the right dedication and balls to expand and/or create a new one. That, now, is dead at Apple, IMO.
Yes. Codes still exist both as a fallback and as a double authentication mechanism (e.g. when you're changing the FaceID settings and Apple wants to be VERY sure it's you).
Apple GPU means Imagination is basically dead. I hope they can find a way, but...
Also, Apple will probably start creating their own proprietary GPU instructions, so I wouldn't be surprised if they will further lock out all hackintosh or vm macs down the line. Lock out everything that they didn't manufacture 100%, and planned obsolescence more and more. Your two year old mac doesn't support these new instructions? No updates for you, only a security patch, that will mostly slow down and make your current machine a pain to use.
One quick question: Will itunes 4k titles work through the desktop that is connected to a 4k tv? Or do we have to necessarily purchase apple 4k tv in order to view 4k content?
Just like any other movie in the Itunes store, you can download it to itunes and watch it on your computer (or strip the DRM from it, etc), or you can play it on any apple device.
jordanclock says..... "Dude, you're off your squirrel. Windows isn't spyware and your posts are incoherent. I've seen plenty of them and I am so sorry Ryan et. al. have to deal with your insanity." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hey Ryan, Why won't you delete these personal attacks from Jordanclock who is CLEARLY an insane piece of crap?
Calling my "Windows is Spyware" posts incoherent or referring to them as insanity without ANY evidence should NOT be tolerated at this website
I have CLEARLY shown evidence for Windows being a Spyware/Extortionware platform on several occasions and NO-ONE at this site has offered ANY evidence to disprove those factual... evidence backed claims
It's a shame that Ryan has turned this into a political issue and pulled my posts for offering clear evidence and yet allows these nuttcases like jordanclock to post hate speech without a shred of evidence
Am I alone with the feelings that the public thought "Where the hell are innovations? We have seem most of them and much more in numerous cheapy Asian phones"
It's Amazing that we're in 2017, and Apple STILL releases iPhones with 720p resolutions. Whether one called them Retina Displays, or Divine Displays, the facts seem very disappointing.
The QHD Display in a lot of Smartphones is like Exactly FOUR TIMES the resolution of 720p.
I am guessing, that a huge amount of the supposed processing power advantage of iPhones is the disappointing displays.
Also, I believe that the iPhone X tops out at 625 Nits of brightness, whereas as other Flagships, including the Note 8 (1200 Nits) are brighter.
To be Honest I wish this came out last year before this current slew of snapdragon 835 flagships came out. Basically for the same reason I wish for all phone innovation... As it seems to push technology expectations in other products or even drive the state of the art. Which is why a part of my soul dies every time a new line of important phones is released ( like the newest iPhone obviously ) and there is no 4k display. Or a 4k display is included but comment sections dismiss the need for as much and apparently must have no desire for ubiquitously adopted ( thus cheaper ) screen display fidelity with extremely tight dot pitches which would be a boon to what may be possible sooner in VR/AR experience fidelity and the current sad state with a screen door effected display experience and FOV compromise. With AMOLED ubiquity in mobile... That most peoples QHD mobile experience is easily their superior display experience out of any device the average consumer enjoys... Then self emitting diode contrast ratio concern awareness and hopefully yield research an adoption only stands to benefit from the army of iPhone zealots out there sure to now tout that OLED is finally done right ( LOL. whether as much is actually true or true because it's now the Apple flagship experience? I could care less! If it light's a fire for Samsung to develop a self emitting QLED variant quicker that competes with current OLED TV set pricing? Guaranteeing better contrast ratio and sharp rich blacks in my lacking computer monitor gui experience? Then what's good fer me is hopefully delivered by Apple ) Kind of vague on the AR tech? Did Apple have a headset example ( or 3rd party headset vendor inference? ) Was sort of hoping for some FOV optics pushing boundaries that other manufacturers would then look bad in comparison too? ( which admittedly would not be hard to achieve ). After the reaction the Unreal star wars demo got earlier was sorta expecting a bit more AR love pushed by Apple?
Speaking of Apple innovation pushing the industry... Seems like slow motion has been stuck across the mobile camera space at 720p for most. And even in the professional camera market... It seems 4K has been a rock stuck at 30p ( unless one spends starting at up to $7k on a cinema solution ) So 60p 4K on a device as popular as iPhone should be a huge Boone! Light a fire under the ass for other manufacturers to at least match the same 4K and 1080p slo-mo capture? 60p being a nice workable number for 24p projects where 6 frames stolen from each 30 frames equals half a sec more at 12 frames equaling a 2.5x slow down at 24p! Which isn't the best but at least provides room to do some ramps up or down and is plenty slow to add a bit of style to a simple walk or run cycle. Either way... more frames allows for more tracking fidelity to smooth motion in post processing as well! And has been a long time coming. Hopefully wont have to wait another 3 years till competition achieves 120fps in a consumer 4K camera? Sort reaching a windows capable qualcomm era where the next couple of die shrinks might add 4 relevant competitors to hopefully effect what is the state of the CPU/GPU art in desktop computing?
So I have my fingers crossed for that A11 investigation as well... I do not understand the purchase confirmation bias myself? Personally I would rather hear that the new A11 already makes my new Snapdragon flagship phone purchase feel archaic ( it could happen? :) )
Kind of expected the X to be a targeted Phablet large screen device and like the newer iPad Pro strategy... Now include pressure sensitive pen enabled display screens? Could care less if they did not include as much to save the battery space unlike Samsung? But not make issue out of it in case not having a recess for storage caused controversy? Never had an iPhone... Have any of them been pen enabled? Got started in computing with Apple because of the Avid when Apple was considered for the computer with Creatives in mind. Seems odd that for a sketch pad device that would fit in my front shirt pocket ( Steve Jobs Floppy style )... That I have to rely on the Samsung Note. Obviously many people who use Apples today must no longer have any draftsmanship? ( which just seems odd? )
The i Phone X is going to be very successful,it`s a beautiful phone.
However i find it odd that it`s impossible for the phone to display an image at its native resolution. Also disappointed that the maximum display size for a 16:9 ratio video will be less than 5" diagonal .
I really like IPHONE X (iPhone 10) with a slim 5″8 inch OLED screen, FaceID 3D recognition, chip Bionic A11, the camera supports Portrait mode both before and after, the frame around the body of Iphone X is made of polished metal, wireless charging QI. There is no TouchID and Home button, so every operation will be a swipe on the screen. Its amazing features will change the phone industry in the world.
thank for posting this great article.. Find out instant #support for #Apple device. Click below on the link to get toll free #Apple_Support_number and other details. http://www.pcworldtech.com/apple-support.html
Welp, looks like I’ve been here long enough to witness your echo chamber. I’ll just say that while I agree the pencil is a fantastic product (still needs an eraser though) but it’s too bad it’s frustratingly tied to a tablet as it’s only output device.
Welp, looks like I’ve been here long enough to witness your echo chamber. I’ll just say that while I agree the pencil is a fantastic product (still needs an eraser though) but it’s too bad it’s frustratingly tied to a tablet as it’s only output device.
I’d love to see Apple make an announcement about that today.
It is very useful tips related to iPhone. Thanks for sharing the tips of iPhone 8, iPhone Plus and iPhone X and its work. Visit: <a href=" http://iphonesupport.net/apple-id-support-number/&... Customer Service</a>
How happy I am knowing that such a wonderful product as Apple was created by a person who was able to become a leader around the world, while not losing his sanity! I've been using iPhones for the last 10 years, and now, I can write articles about leaders with incredible comfort. All thanks to macbook m1. if you are interested in learning about the results of my work, you can read on https://artscolumbia.org/free-essays/leadership/ there is an article about Steve Jobs. she needs to be looked for. I am very interested in what Apple leaders will come up with without Steve Jobs. can they surprise you?
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tipoo - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Anandtech A11 deep dive, pretty please!Araa - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
That should be done "soon".BillBear - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
You mean the A10 deep dive? :oPRaichuPls - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Just like how we got the A10 deep dive, or idk, any reviews that are relevant currently. Galaxy S8, HTC U11, new Macbooks, GTX 1050/1050Ti, RX 480 deepdive etc.Or y'know, the good old GTX 980/980Ti SLI performance deep dive, or really anything that was said to be "next week" or "soon".
What do people at Anandtech do really? Review mundane stuff that nobody gives a shit about? An ECS mITX motherboard? SSDs from HP? It's all just tech blogs when I scroll down. Not to mention the godawful clickbait ads they have enabled as well.
Araa - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Hey they have great mechanical keyboard reviews, such great academically acclaimed articles about keystrokes.Ryan Smith - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
"What do people at AnandTech do really?"It depends on the editor. Ian's specialty is CPUs, Billy's is SSDs, Nate's is GPUs, Ganesh is storage, etc. Some things we can't do due to a lack of time; others due to a lack of manpower (things often come at once). But it's never for a lack of a desire to do them, just a means to do them quickly.
sonicmerlin - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Lol I kinda do wonder what they do all day. They don't really post a lot of content comparatively... And they seem to review some obscure products or ones with niche appeal.concorde105 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
They never did get around to posting the A10 one did theyRyan Smith - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
That one was the unfortunate victim of Josh leaving at a bad time.I won't set a hard date on an A11 article, but between myself and a new hand joining us soon to help with mobile articles, it's very much something I intend to dig into. Especially this new Apple GPU.
qzy__ - Monday, December 4, 2017 - link
Looking forward your SPECint results about A10X or A11, I'm very curious about Hurricane/Monsoon's IPC improvement.azrael- - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Don't forget about the new Apple TV, guys.Railgun - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Hopefully they didn’t forget to support DTS-HD MA and Dolby True HD passthrualistair.brogan - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
it looks like a nice upgrade, but where is the controller support and the game software teams?they need to follow Nintendo... no using the remote for games please
name99 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
aTV has supported third party controllers since forever, and has allowed games that ONLY use 3rd party controllers (don't have to work with the Siri remote) for at least a year.Alistair - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
yeah but they don't support standard bluetooth controllers, you need an mfi controller...Alistair - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
paid 150 dollars for 2 xbox controllers, would like to use them with my apple tv just like with my android devicescrimson117 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
What's your take on the new campus?Slaveguy - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
It's a great place to sniff mens' armpits and get spit-roasted like a pigcrimson117 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Just want to point out that the live streaming requirements at https://www.apple.com/apple-events/september-2017/ are total BS:"Requirements: Live streaming uses Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) technology. HLS requires an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with Safari on iOS 9.0 or later, a Mac with Safari on macOS v10.11 or later, or a PC with Microsoft Edge on Windows 10. Streaming via Apple TV requires an Apple TV (2nd or 3rd generation) with software 6.2 or later or an Apple TV (4th generation)."
azrael- - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Well, I just tried watching the live stream using Edge on my Win 10 VM, but no love.halcyon - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Watching the livestream @apple.comm/apple-events/ on Win10Pro (not VM) using MS Edge. Works perfectly.alistair.brogan - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
you need to watch in incognito mode for it to workOyeve - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
I miss the brutal corporate days of Steve Jobs. This hippy-dippy crap is just nauseating.velanapontinha - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Thistipoo - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Yeah, damn them for becoming more charitable without him!Wait...
beggerking@yahoo.com - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
all (single / one) day battery.. thats pretty sad for a watch (my fitness band lasts 20 days)Eidigean - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
lol your fitness band runs at 16 MHz; not 2000 MHz. And it doesn't have a 10 mile transmitter, nor a 2K display; so just quit trolling while you're behind.Inteli - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Why would you need a 2 GHz fitness band, or such a high resolution display?Eidigean - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Woosh... Why is battery life of a fitness band being compared to smart phone? Let's compare blue berries to watermelon while we're at it.vladx - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Nice dodging there.name99 - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
You want a wrist computer for the same reason you want a pocket computer. Duh.Look at one thing faster CPU enables on tha aWatch 3 - enough computational power for the watch to speak back to you (starting to flesh out the voice UI) rather than just writing response text
NXTwoThou - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
With the new capabilities of the watch, do I need to have an iphone(or a phone at all)?halcyon - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Am I the only one who is surprised that Apple still canj't do better sensors or a better battery life on their Apple Watch? Who cares about phone features in a watch? Sports/tracking/health smartwatch is about sensors and, charging daily for a watch is a major nuisance.They have the biggest budget and the biggest team of all and this is the best they can do? Same sensors as before, now just with a few arrythmia features (i.e. sw upgrade). Still the same battery life (yes, the cpu is faster).
Big disappointment.
blackcrayon - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Hopefully we'll see some more interesting health sensors in 3rd party (or 1st party) watch bands. It's already been pointed out that putting in any kind of sensors needing FDA approval would delay the core watch hardware. We know a blood sugar monitor is being developed at least (since Tim Cook has spoken about it).shadarlo - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
Big disappointment is what the Apple Watch has always been. It hasn't redefined the watch like the iPhone did for phones, not even close. All it's been able to do is compete well in a market of fairly useless gadgets that people are struggling to find true uses for.Until someone finds and creates a killer feature for a smart watch they just will never take off.
A miband with heart rate monitoring for $8-15 ($8 is the current sale price) is all 90% of people need. It does everything well and lasts for 30 days on a single battery charge. It can be worn in the shower and it tracks your sleeps. Why would anyone spend so much money on a device that must be charged daily and doesn't really provide additional benefits for most people?
NetMage - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - link
I wonder how that $8 heart rate sensor does compared to the known accuracy of the Apple Watch?FunBunny2 - Thursday, September 14, 2017 - link
-- Still the same battery life (yes, the cpu is faster).until they invent an element more electron dense than lithium, you'll have to wait. hint: that's a really long time.
Bullwinkle J Moose - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
I only have one question about Apple products.....If I list all the things I don't like about Apple products, will you remove my posts?
Or do you just remove my posts when I criticize Wintel for all the Illegal Spyware and Extortionware in their malw.....er...I mean products?
Ryan Smith - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Your posts only get removed when you start making crazy rants about spyware.Hubb1e - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Still no headphone jack. I cannot buy...MrSpadge - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Prepare for a looong wait, then.hojnikb - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
So is iPhone 8 STILL using 750p display ?ZipSpeed - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Yup, and the 8 still has 2 GB of RAM and the 8 Plus has 3 GB. Apple does a great job with improving the performance of the CPU & GPU every year, but the rest of the hardware seems to be stuck with incremental upgrades. Then again, this is Apple we're talking about. Or any other company that has the mindshare of consumers and brand cachet - BMW, Nvidia, Intel, Apple etc., milk, milk, milk!!!blackcrayon - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
I'll take 3 GB of RAM (never noticed any limitation to 2) over having 6 GB of RAM with a slow CPU/GPU that I'll notice in audio apps and games. I'd rather be "milked" on specs I don't notice than specs I do.tipoo - Wednesday, September 20, 2017 - link
I complained about 1GB on iOS for a while, but 2 on my 7 has almost never been limiting. Days old tabs 12 deep, sure, I'll get a reload, but generally it's super good at memory management. Contrast to Samsung where 8GB still reloads more stuff than iOS.It does seem the X at least should have gotten 4 just for future proofing though.
tipoo - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Yup. I have the 7 and I absolutely agree it's not enough.jharmon - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Just wow! They added wireless charging! So revolutionary! Good news apple is going to help Qi become more widely known and available because it's so hard to get right now.sonicmerlin - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Where is witrcity's long range wireless charging?Charlie22911 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
iPhone X - No Touch ID is a deal breaker for me, why couldn't they have used the apple logo on the back as a fingerprint sensor?Railgun - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Yeah. I’m kinda missing the convenience aspect of this. Phone on your desk? Passcode or pick it up. Then you’ll stop charging.BillBear - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
How are you using the device without looking at the screen of your phone? Why can't the camera see your face to authenticate you if you have an unobstructed view of the screen?If you don't want to look at the screen while you use the device, then just use the "Hey Siri" activation phrase for the voice interface.
As with all the phones that support wireless charging, you can still plug in a wire and charge that way if you prefer.
MrTeal - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
It will depend on the camera angles, but right now it's relatively simple to unlock your phone on the table by you while you're in a meeting and discretely skim an incoming email without actually having to pick up your phone.Sure you can still use the passcode, but depending on your institutional device management settings (mine in minimum 8 characters with a special character just to unlock) that can still way more effort than it needs to be.
It's not a dealbreaker by any means, but I'd still prefer to have fingerprint scanning if it were an option.
Eidigean - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Really? It's so easy to steal your fingerprint. Never bothered with the fingerprint reader. Passcode is more secure, and still on option with iPhone X. No need to pick it up if you don't want to. And if you still want the silly reader, get an iPhone 8.Charlie22911 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
My argument is for convenience versus security. But to counter your argument, face unlock on android has been proven far less secure. It remains to be seen how secure apples implementation is.BillBear - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Apple bought the company behind the original hardware for Microsoft's Kinect and it's 3D depth sensing and body mapping tech in 2013.It sounds like that tech has been significantly updated since the 2010 XBox.
Charlie22911 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Some issues I don't see addressed are things like minimum effective distance and angle. Unlocking this phone seems like it will be awkward at best in places like crowded elevators or subways. TouchID is a more subtle way of unlocking my iPhone and I much prefer that.BillBear - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Given them showing a training sesson for Face ID that had a user rotate their face to show it from all angles, it seems like they took having the system work from different angles into account.We'll see.
I have a feeling that if you can see the screen, the camera can see you back.
FreidoNumeroUno - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Something I thought too. But why not an ultrasound fingerprint scanner under the screen? I got hold of a leekco (letv) test device which uses it perfectly. It works even under water! This face recognition is not safe for those who have twin brothers or sisters.BillBear - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Apple's been working on that tech for a while now, and both the Samsung Note 8 and iPhone X were supposedly going to have it, but it just wasn't working well enough when it came time to ship them, according to the rumor sites.Here's a story about an Apple patent filed back in 2015.
0iron - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Qualcomm has that technology. But by having bitter relationship with Qualcomm, it's not an option for nowJames S - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
I get it, I use the phone as a timer when cooking most of the time I'm not over the phone when I stop/ start it.Dug - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Apple really needs to speed up animations or have ability to disable them.It makes their phones seem soooo slow.
Eidigean - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
They've had an option to disable the animations for years. I did this on my older iPhone 5 to improve battery life.FreidoNumeroUno - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Settings>general>accessibility>reduce motion.tipoo - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
That has even slower animations, just with reduced...Motion.NetMage - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - link
Wrong - it replaces animation with fades, and they are quicker.zeeBomb - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Wireless Charging after the Nexus 4 had it since 2012, and still slow animations. But damn...that A11 chip packs a PUNCH.Eidigean - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
I code both for Android and iOS, and Android animations flat out suck. That's why they're quick, not much is happening. Any time I want 3D animation of Android views, I need to resort to OpenGL and do it natively; whereas iOS has had CoreAnimation and 4x4 matrix support for 10 years now.Morawka - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
It does not make sense at all to call the top end iphone the iPhone X.. that's just rubbing against the grain of every apple product they've ever made. It should have been called the iPhone 8 Pro.. They are using the X moniker way to early.. they should have waited a 3-4 more until it was time.BillBear - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Did you post this from your Windows 9 device? :oPZipSpeed - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Touche.jordanclock - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
That's not an apt comparison. Windows 9 was skipped because of legacy apps that had code for "If Windows version starts with 9" and such. The jump from iPhone 8 to iPhone X (pronounced ten) doesn't make a lot of sense.BillBear - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
That was a rumor, never confirmed by Microsoft.However, Microsoft also skipped shipping Windows NT versions one and two and started out at 3.1.
Then there were Windows 95, 98, XP, Vista...
The "version number is illogical" ship sailed loooong ago.
jordanclock - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
There are hundreds of projects on Github showing code looking for that exact shortcut, so the ship has not sailed. It was never confirmed by Microsoft, but it was a reasonable explanation. Many apps used workarounds for Windows 9x because of various bugs, or refused to run at all.Windows 1.0 and 2.0 were actual products. Windows NT started at 3.1 so that users would understand it was at version parity (and thus experience parity) with Windows 3.1.
Apple pulled X/ten has no explanation so far and looks complete arbitrary.
BillBear - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Are you not aware that this is the tenth anniversary of the iPhone?Hence the ten?
Morawka - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Another question, does having a LTE Apple Watch require a extra fee from your carrier? with AT&T its $10 per device per month.jordanclock - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
All LTE devices require a data plan with your carrier and will usually be an extra charge, aside from specials.beisat - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Any idea why this didnt't work in my Edge Browser to stream?Alistair - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
you needed incognito mode for some reasonname99 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Note what's missing.- aWatch3 Edition was not mentioned. The Apple Store page shows it exists, but no excitement about new materials. So ceramic is considered a nice compromise, luxurious "enough" but also cheap "enough"?
- iPhone SE was not updated. Neither was iPad mini. Those were two second tier products I figured would be at least updated in the store, even if they didn't get a keynote timeslot.
BillBear - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
iPhone SE launched in the spring and is already rumored to update next spring, according to sources in the supply chain.I don't think we are likely to see another iPad mini update. Phones have gotten too big for tablets with a tiny screen to be a popular enough thing.
Perhaps when they can produce a bezel-less version, a la iPhone X?
0iron - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
iPad mini need more update than iPhone SE because of A8. A9 will be fine for years to cometr0n09 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Really missed out on branding it Face XD. The "XD" emoji would be the best way to describe the picture in blog where that lady get blinded.Bullwinkle J Moose - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
From Ryan Smith >"Your posts only get removed when you start making crazy rants about spyware."
You offer no examples as to why my "rants" are crazy, or why it (MS - Spyware Platform 10) is not Spyware, WHILE I offer examples as to why it is Spyware, then you delete my posts without any explanation
Please explain
We are here to learn....
We want to be tech literate like you!
Also, for those who don't like that I can't follow a thread properly and post a direct response to the original post, you should talk to Ryan about that
That problem is not from "My" end
That is a problem at AnandTech
Ryan Smith - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
"MS - Spyware Platform 10"In short, AnandTech is not your blog. You are welcome to make on-topic posts, however many of your posts end up going on a wild, unrelated tangent. Please email me if you have any questions.
sonny73n - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
"wild, unrelated tangent" and "crazy rant" posts get deleted but a post like below is OK."LydiaPollard - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
I just got paid $6784 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $9k her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less. This is what I do.... http://cutt.us/pc6ir"
Ryan Smith - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
Er, we delete spam as quickly as we find them. They are not okay...jordanclock - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Dude, you're off your squirrel. Windows isn't spyware and your posts are incoherent. I've seen plenty of them and I am so sorry Ryan et. al. have to deal with your insanity.Achtung_BG - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Kirin 970=5.5 billion transistors, A11 only 4.3 billion transistors. NUP is tree times more powerful, 1.92TFLOP vs 0.6TFLOP in A11. Modem cat 18 vs .... does not matter.name99 - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
We have yet to see the real performance of the Kirin NPU. If performance on real tasks is gated by memory, then extra compute will not help youtipoo - Wednesday, September 20, 2017 - link
It's not clear if either one is using full precision or half precision for the neural processor numbers.Dimathiel - Saturday, September 23, 2017 - link
A11 also probably does not have to allocate any resources for 32-bit runtime unlike all other SoC’s.lilmoe - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
As much as I dislike Apple, I really feel sorry for what they have become. This release screams desperation and fear from Samsung, from hardware, to naming.They can make all the profits, but even they know they're not even half what they used to be.
As much of an ass Steve used to be, it's a fact that he knew how to steer that ship. I guess the difference is in ambition. He wanted Apple to be "the best" at all costs, but now they want it to stay a profit machine at all costs. The difference really shows.
jwcalla - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Even when Jobs was still running the show the Android phones were cleaning the iPhone's clock in terms of advancing tech.At this point the phone market is all commoditized though so there's not much more to do but rely on the brand name.
blackcrayon - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
In way you could say that- Apple didn't start more or less destroying Android phones in SoC tech until after Jobs- after they released the iPhone 5 and every year following. There are any number of other ways in which iPhones have frequently been ahead of Android in software and hardware. The reverse is also true though. It's almost like there are different companies focusing on different aspects of their devices. Amazing!lilmoe - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Apple never designed an SoC that was "ahead" of anything in the market from Samsung or Qualcomm. I'm not sure about the A11, will have to see, but the previous ones were slower and less efficient in both cpu and gpu. The A5 was interesting at the time in terms of efficiency, but it turned out to be nothing but bad and misinformed benchmarking.I don't blaim you for not knowing this, I blaim the incompetence of tech reviewers, in which most are nothing but sellouts.
I got tired of talking about this subject. The misinformation out there is flat out ridiculous.
darklight69 - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
There are a number of sites including this one which have conducted repeatable tests using scientific methods. All show that an A series SoC is better overall in most performance metrics to the equivalent generation from any number of vendors in the Android space. They put their results out their.What do you, an anonymous Apple-hating nobody on the internet, offer to back up your assertions with? You write like a religious zealot - "my God is better than yours". So when it comes to credibility, they have it and you, ... well....
NetMage - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - link
So he they shipped a 64-but ARM implementation a year ahead of anyone else while the others were still saying 64-bit wasn’t needed for mobile because they didn’t have it, that was...?lilmoe - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Apple has always been about vertical integration, which often works better than superior hardware. Innovation has stopped there with the 4S. Since then, it was larger screens, fingerprints (barely any VI there), and then a plus model. All of which are to compete with Samsung (their only competitor).Their last few processors sucked outside their intended use (not a bad thing) and their "fusion" interconnect attempt was broken, a-la Exynos 5410. They're only reaping the benefits of the well executed software, the special treatment from carriers and their closed ecosystem, which enables them to make features available to a vast audience, opening up a compelling platform for developers. This isn't a small feat by any means, but it has been set in motion and executed well under the leadership of Jobs. THAT was the real innovation IMO. The rest is catchup, BS hype, and a slew of intended misinformation by the tech community and the media. Siri, which came afterwards has utterly FAILED as a platform. Apple pay doesn't holds a candle to Samsung pay for a very minor feature (MST). And now what? FaceID? Seriously?
History is sad. Samsung, their nemesis, understood Jobs much more than his crew at Apple, and their doing something about it even with Google's massive sabotage attempts.
SanX - Thursday, September 14, 2017 - link
Stop trolling, darklight69 is right. And you don't even know elementary things like benchmarks Anandtech have done for many years. Plus Samsung had huge leverage because knew everything about Apple being its hardware supplier. If the company next door Intel would be Apple's supplier things would be much differentFunBunny2 - Thursday, September 14, 2017 - link
-- As much of an ass Steve used to be, it's a fact that he knew how to steer that ship. I guess the difference is in ambition.no. the difference is that Apple/Steve was on the early slope of the asymptote of progress. Apple/Tim, alas, is on the ending verrrrrrrry slow glide to stasis. see my battery comment above. and the plain fact that neither Apple nor anyone else has come up with a new *function* (like the Three Steve boasted about in the beginning) for a phone or a watch. just evermore bits of lipstick for these pigs. the rest of the industry is in the same boat, of course.
you can only "innovate" when there are known unknowns. science/tech has explained 99.9% of the macro world. these days, science/tech is exploring cosmology and artificial sub-atomic particles. neither will make any difference to the macro world.
lilmoe - Thursday, September 14, 2017 - link
No. Innovation is in platforms and ecosystems. You need the right dedication and balls to expand and/or create a new one. That, now, is dead at Apple, IMO.Dennis Travis - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
my question which so far I can not find the answer for is can you bypass facial recognition and login with just a code?Alistair - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
of course you canRyan Smith - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Yes. Codes still exist both as a fallback and as a double authentication mechanism (e.g. when you're changing the FaceID settings and Apple wants to be VERY sure it's you).Dennis Travis - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Thanks a lot Ryan. Many were worried only Facial would work.NetMage - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - link
No one was worried about that.andychow - Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - link
Apple GPU means Imagination is basically dead. I hope they can find a way, but...Also, Apple will probably start creating their own proprietary GPU instructions, so I wouldn't be surprised if they will further lock out all hackintosh or vm macs down the line. Lock out everything that they didn't manufacture 100%, and planned obsolescence more and more. Your two year old mac doesn't support these new instructions? No updates for you, only a security patch, that will mostly slow down and make your current machine a pain to use.
prateekprakash - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
One quick question:Will itunes 4k titles work through the desktop that is connected to a 4k tv?
Or do we have to necessarily purchase apple 4k tv in order to view 4k content?
Glaurung - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
Just like any other movie in the Itunes store, you can download it to itunes and watch it on your computer (or strip the DRM from it, etc), or you can play it on any apple device.Bullwinkle J Moose - Wednesday, September 13, 2017 - link
jordanclock says....."Dude, you're off your squirrel. Windows isn't spyware and your posts are incoherent. I've seen plenty of them and I am so sorry Ryan et. al. have to deal with your insanity."
Hey Ryan,
Why won't you delete these personal attacks from Jordanclock who is CLEARLY an insane piece of crap?
Calling my "Windows is Spyware" posts incoherent or referring to them as insanity without ANY evidence should NOT be tolerated at this website
I have CLEARLY shown evidence for Windows being a Spyware/Extortionware platform on several occasions and NO-ONE at this site has offered ANY evidence to disprove those factual... evidence backed claims
It's a shame that Ryan has turned this into a political issue and pulled my posts for offering clear evidence and yet allows these nuttcases like jordanclock to post hate speech without a shred of evidence
Get a Clue Ryan!
The Rules are for EVERYONE!
SanX - Thursday, September 14, 2017 - link
Am I alone with the feelings that the public thought "Where the hell are innovations? We have seem most of them and much more in numerous cheapy Asian phones"SanX - Thursday, September 14, 2017 - link
Apple A11 Bionic..... 4.3B transistors..... Price $25Intel Xeon E7‑8890 V2 15‑core....4.3B transistors...Price $1500 or 60x more
The Last Oracle - Thursday, September 14, 2017 - link
It's Amazing that we're in 2017, and Apple STILL releases iPhones with 720p resolutions. Whether one called them Retina Displays, or Divine Displays, the facts seem very disappointing.The QHD Display in a lot of Smartphones is like Exactly FOUR TIMES the resolution of 720p.
I am guessing, that a huge amount of the supposed processing power advantage of iPhones is the disappointing displays.
Also, I believe that the iPhone X tops out at 625 Nits of brightness, whereas as other Flagships, including the Note 8 (1200 Nits) are brighter.
theuglyman0war - Friday, September 15, 2017 - link
To be Honest I wish this came out last year before this current slew of snapdragon 835 flagships came out. Basically for the same reason I wish for all phone innovation...As it seems to push technology expectations in other products or even drive the state of the art.
Which is why a part of my soul dies every time a new line of important phones is released ( like the newest iPhone obviously ) and there is no 4k display. Or a 4k display is included but comment sections dismiss the need for as much and apparently must have no desire for ubiquitously adopted ( thus cheaper ) screen display fidelity with extremely tight dot pitches which would be a boon to what may be possible sooner in VR/AR experience fidelity and the current sad state with a screen door effected display experience and FOV compromise.
With AMOLED ubiquity in mobile...
That most peoples QHD mobile experience is easily their superior display experience out of any device the average consumer enjoys...
Then self emitting diode contrast ratio concern awareness and hopefully yield research an adoption only stands to benefit from the army of iPhone zealots out there sure to now tout that OLED is finally done right ( LOL. whether as much is actually true or true because it's now the Apple flagship experience? I could care less! If it light's a fire for Samsung to develop a self emitting QLED variant quicker that competes with current OLED TV set pricing? Guaranteeing better contrast ratio and sharp rich blacks in my lacking computer monitor gui experience? Then what's good fer me is hopefully delivered by Apple )
Kind of vague on the AR tech?
Did Apple have a headset example ( or 3rd party headset vendor inference? )
Was sort of hoping for some FOV optics pushing boundaries that other manufacturers would then look bad in comparison too? ( which admittedly would not be hard to achieve ).
After the reaction the Unreal star wars demo got earlier was sorta expecting a bit more AR love pushed by Apple?
Speaking of Apple innovation pushing the industry...
Seems like slow motion has been stuck across the mobile camera space at 720p for most.
And even in the professional camera market...
It seems 4K has been a rock stuck at 30p ( unless one spends starting at up to $7k on a cinema solution )
So 60p 4K on a device as popular as iPhone should be a huge Boone! Light a fire under the ass for other manufacturers to at least match the same 4K and 1080p slo-mo capture?
60p being a nice workable number for 24p projects where 6 frames stolen from each 30 frames equals half a sec more at 12 frames equaling a 2.5x slow down at 24p! Which isn't the best but at least provides room to do some ramps up or down and is plenty slow to add a bit of style to a simple walk or run cycle. Either way... more frames allows for more tracking fidelity to smooth motion in post processing as well! And has been a long time coming. Hopefully wont have to wait another 3 years till competition achieves 120fps in a consumer 4K camera?
Sort reaching a windows capable qualcomm era where the next couple of die shrinks might add 4 relevant competitors to hopefully effect what is the state of the CPU/GPU art in desktop computing?
So I have my fingers crossed for that A11 investigation as well...
I do not understand the purchase confirmation bias myself? Personally I would rather hear that the new A11 already makes my new Snapdragon flagship phone purchase feel archaic ( it could happen? :) )
Kind of expected the X to be a targeted Phablet large screen device and like the newer iPad Pro strategy...
Now include pressure sensitive pen enabled display screens?
Could care less if they did not include as much to save the battery space unlike Samsung? But not make issue out of it in case not having a recess for storage caused controversy?
Never had an iPhone... Have any of them been pen enabled?
Got started in computing with Apple because of the Avid when Apple was considered for the computer with Creatives in mind. Seems odd that for a sketch pad device that would fit in my front shirt pocket ( Steve Jobs Floppy style )...
That I have to rely on the Samsung Note.
Obviously many people who use Apples today must no longer have any draftsmanship?
( which just seems odd? )
Mj@uk - Sunday, September 17, 2017 - link
The i Phone X is going to be very successful,it`s a beautiful phone.However i find it odd that it`s impossible for the phone to display an image at its native resolution.
Also disappointed that the maximum display size for a 16:9 ratio video will be less than 5" diagonal .
Kaka Ricardo - Friday, November 3, 2017 - link
I really like IPHONE X (iPhone 10) with a slim 5″8 inch OLED screen, FaceID 3D recognition, chip Bionic A11, the camera supports Portrait mode both before and after, the frame around the body of Iphone X is made of polished metal, wireless charging QI. There is no TouchID and Home button, so every operation will be a swipe on the screen. Its amazing features will change the phone industry in the world.Mohammad Taha - Monday, November 6, 2017 - link
Check this awesome REVIEW! >>> iPhone X vs Samsung Galaxy Note 8http://www.newswebnetwork.com/2017/09/iphone-x-vs-...
chrisvoks9 - Friday, December 22, 2017 - link
thank for posting this great article..Find out instant #support for #Apple device. Click below on the link to get toll free #Apple_Support_number and other details. http://www.pcworldtech.com/apple-support.html
lucyboynton789 - Monday, January 15, 2018 - link
Welp, looks like I’ve been here long enough to witness your echo chamber. I’ll just say that while I agree the pencil is a fantastic product (still needs an eraser though) but it’s too bad it’s frustratingly tied to a tablet as it’s only output device.I’d love to see Apple make an announcement about that today.
lucyboynton789 - Monday, January 15, 2018 - link
Welp, looks like I’ve been here long enough to witness your echo chamber. I’ll just say that while I agree the pencil is a fantastic product (still needs an eraser though) but it’s too bad it’s frustratingly tied to a tablet as it’s only output device.I’d love to see Apple make an announcement about that today.
lucyboynton789 - Monday, January 15, 2018 - link
nicemartina jain - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link
It is very useful tips related to iPhone. Thanks for sharing the tips of iPhone 8, iPhone Plus and iPhone X and its work.Visit: <a href=" http://iphonesupport.net/apple-id-support-number/&... Customer Service</a>
martina jain - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link
Thanks for sharing the tips of iPhone. It is a very useful tips of iPhone 8, iPhone Plus and iPhone X. How to work air power?Visit: http://iphonesupport.net/apple-id-support-number/
applesupport01 - Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - link
That was the amazing event... I and my team were therehttp://www.ipadsupportnumber.com/blog/fix-apple-ap...
GenevieveAlvarez - Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - link
How happy I am knowing that such a wonderful product as Apple was created by a person who was able to become a leader around the world, while not losing his sanity!I've been using iPhones for the last 10 years, and now, I can write articles about leaders with incredible comfort. All thanks to macbook m1. if you are interested in learning about the results of my work, you can read on https://artscolumbia.org/free-essays/leadership/ there is an article about Steve Jobs. she needs to be looked for.
I am very interested in what Apple leaders will come up with without Steve Jobs. can they surprise you?