Pulse, one of the more popular and well-designed newsreaders has finally launched a web-based version today. While previously only available on Android and iOS, the new web-based version is a blessing for Windows Phone users that don't yet have a native app. The interface is extremely slick and lets you customize the layout in a few different ways. The tiles even rearrange themselves automatically as you resize the browser window. 

The website has a prominent Internet Exporer branding, and Windows 8 & Internet Explorer 10 users can take advantage of some cool multi-touch gestures as well. Users with existing Pulse.me accounts can sign in immediately to find all their sources synced and ready to go. Alternatively, you can create a new account or sign in using Facebook credentials as well.

Pulse has almost exlusively been my favorite newsreader app for quite some time now and the new web-based version makes things even better.

Head on over to Pulse right now and check it out for yourself.

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  • mevans336 - Thursday, August 9, 2012 - link

    I've been hoping they'd create a web based interface that I could use from my desktop or laptop. I just don't like any of the other aggregators.
  • Zink - Thursday, August 9, 2012 - link

    There was a WP7 pulse app for free in the market a few months ago when I installed it and the app works great though it seems to have been removed now. The new web interface on the other hand is mostly functional in the WP7.5 browser but very cramped. It uses big fonts and can only show one tile at a time so it is useless. WP7 isn't a dead platform yet so I don't know why they would kill pulse on the platform. Windows 8 and WP8 aren't even available yet.

    The old market entry: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cac...
  • FATCamaro - Thursday, August 9, 2012 - link

    So this adverticle is for a shit version of Flipboard?
  • Patflute - Thursday, August 9, 2012 - link

  • tuxRoller - Thursday, August 9, 2012 - link

    I have flipboard but I find myself always using Pulse b/c it lets me catch up on the news so much faster than Flipboard.
  • Patflute - Thursday, August 9, 2012 - link

    Going to Pulse froze my cmputer for 30 seconds and Pulse made itself into a new window instead of a tab...

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